Friday, May 25, 2012

Why sitemap is important for websites?

sitemap design
Sitemap is a file which contain list of URL's of a particular website such that search engine crawlers can easily crawl pages of websites based on link structure given in sitemap. It can be in any desired format in hierarchical way but the most common format of sitemap is XML file, which is easy to create as well. It inform search engines to crawl which are listed in sitemap through sitemap protocol. 

Why sitemap are important for any website?

Sitemaps are important especially when your website is new. New websites are often indexed in website at slow rate especially when it is not linked properly. Search engines crawl websites based on linking systems. Links can be either external or internal. But if you have a new website then you must focus on internal links more. When a crawler crawl you webpage which does not contain any link to any other page then crawling stop there itself.

But if you have linked that page with some other page as well, then crawler will also crawl and index that page if it is not listed in Google index already. In this way, more content of your website is indexed in Google Indexing. 

                  All cannot be achieved by internal or external linking itself. Pages coded in ajax or other complesx code like JavaScript are hard to crawl by spiders. Sometimes dynamic pages are also hard to crawl by spiders, or spiders cannot reach those pages. 

Here sitemap play its role. You can list the URL's of such pages in sitemap and crawlers can easily crawl these pages as sitemap is made especially for this purpose. 

How can I make a sitemap?

There are two ways to prepare sitemap for your website:

1. Custom

2. Using third party tool

Creating sitemap for your website is not that hard, but if third party tools are available for same purpose, I would recommend you to use them. However, below is the sample code for a custom sitemap which you can utilize if you are looking for custom sitemap code:

<urlset xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemalocation="">

You can add as my URL's you want to add using the same tag format. Alter priority as per your need and much more. Finally save the file with .XML extension and you custom sitemap is ready.

Now, check out one third party tool which is simply awsome to generate sitemap with few clicks.

Software name is GSITECRAWLER. Its free to use and can be downloaded from HERE! 

Once try this software to get Google, Yahoo sitemap, you will find it too easy to do. Well, hope you will like it!

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