Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to get Siri on almost any device?

When apple released the iphone 4S last year it came out with a new virtual assistant called siri. alot of people thought that eventually apple would release a version of siri for the older devices but they didnt. so today i am going to show you how to get siri on almost every device (ipad 1, ipad 2, ipad 3, iphone 4, ipod touch 4, iphone 3gs,iphone 3g,ipod 2g.

Ok, lets get started with this tutorial.. First you will need a jailbrocken idevice in order to procede, if you dont know how to jailbreak i will show you how to on another post.

Step 1: Open up cydia and let it load.

Step 2: Once it has loaded go to manage sources edit and add.

Step 3: Then you add this source http://repo.siriport.ru/

Step 4: Once you have added the source you have to click on it, and then install siri port original.

Step 5: Once you have finished that your device will respring.

Step 6: You go to settings and scroll to the bottom and click where it says siriport.ru original.

Step 7: Once you have clicked that you need press install certificate.

Step 8: It will ask you to install the profile and it will say not trusted but don't worry it is.

Step 9: Now you have to reboot your device.

Step 10: Go to settings general siri and enter in your prefered information.

Now you have succesfully installed siri on your device but if it gives you an error this is what you have to do:

open up cydia and install ifile. Then open up ifile and go to library then preferences and delete every thing in the folder.

You click on the edit button which is on the top right of the screen select everything and move to trash. After you have done this click on the trash icon again and click on empty trash.

Now siri should work on your device!

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